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Find Assistance Troubleshooting From the Field Using Mobile Phone and Twitter Account - Land Surveyors United

1. Log in to Twitter: Sign Up<br /> <br /

2. In your Twitter Settings, Check:

3. Post to Twitter via mobile phone using the Hashtag: #LSUfield.

4. Check our maps for your tweet & wait for responses via Twitter:

This is what we want our Bing/Twitter Map to look like in the near future:


yet another way for land surveyors to accomplish tasks in the field using the latest (and sometimes future) technology + the power of social networking-in real time. In this day and age (age being important in an industry such as land surveying-wisdom can be more powerful than knowledge) are only as strong as your network.

Posted via web from Land Surveyors United

Updated Surveying Quick Start Guides and Brochures Pages on LSU - Land Surveyors United

Land surveying equipment Hardware brochures and documents

Justin has made some new updates can be found on both the Quick Start Guides Page and the Land Surveying Hardware Brochures page. For those of you looking for manuals, brochures or guides, if you cannot find them here, have no fear. Try these two steps before giving up:

1.)Go to the Main page of LSU and look on left sidebar for a search button. The results will show up in the middle column of the front page. This searches all of the collective libraries of surveying documents attached to LSU.

2.)Drop a comment on the page where brochures and manuals are kept and usually within 24hrs someone (usually Justin) will dig it up from the depths of the internet.

Hope this helps Surveyors!

Tags: brochures, equipment, guides, land, manuals, network, pages, quick, start, surveying

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More information about land surveying quick start guides and equipment manuals

Posted via web from Land Surveyors United

Land Surveyors United Updates, Mobile Field Support and Special Groups

Notice any changes on the new Land Surveyors United header?
Brief Updates:
User Contributions are up 93% on LSU!  Thank you for your participation!
New Pages for Hardware Quick Start Guides and Documents have been added
Real Time Support from the Jobsite is now integrated and searchable by Twitter Field Support Map.
You can now see which other members are online at the same time as you.
Choose a Support group based on Equipment you use and your location...

Land Surveyors United is made possible because of hard working land surveyors across the globe and all of the energy that they spend getting everything just right.  Have a great week at work Surveyors!  Your network is here if you ever need support (links to mobile version of LSU)!



Posted via web from Land Surveyors United
