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Historic Surveying Photographs on LSU

Surveyors On a Hill [LINK]
Over the past month, one of our Land Surveyors United members in particular has been gracious enough to share with us some of the most amazing historic surveying photographs that the world has ever set eyes on.  Luke Jackson, RPLS of Argyle, TX has dug deep into his personal collection and pulled out a huge stack of turn-of-the-century photographs depicting land surveyors of all walks of life and involved in all sorts of surveying activities.  In appreciation of Mr. Jackson's contribution to the network, I put this showcase together today so that these photographs can be seen by the world.  On Land Surveyors United, we believe that the newcomers to the surveying industry should have the resources for learning surveying history.  History is our guide for things to come and no one on earth knows this better than a weathered land surveyor.  Thank you for your time, efforts and sharing your collection with us Luke.  I look forward to seeing your new (old) photos everyday.

First, I will show you a few of my favorites added by Mr. Jackson, RPLS.  Then, when you have the time, you can check them all out on Land Surveyors United or in the new Picasa Slideshow (enlarge the slideshow at the bottom of this post).  Feel free to share these jewels of history with any surveyor you might have in your life.  Believe me....they will be appreciated.  And if you happen to be a land surveyor with photos to share, simply join LSU and upload them for all of us to view and comment on.
1889 Mine Surveying [LINK]

Surveyor Ft. Morgan [LINK]

Coal Mine Surveyors [LINK]
