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GPS Tutorials For Those Who Want to Learn the Ropes

 GPS Tutorials

Even More GPS and GIS Tutorials 

Principles and Practice of GPS Surveying - The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based, microwave, 24-hour, all-weather, global military navigation system designed, deployed, financed and managed by the U.S. military authorities. Since GPS was declared operational in mid-1993 it has had a profound impact on the art and practice of most forms of positioning and navigation. However, GPS has already had a tremendous impact on surveying, initially as a technology for "control surveys", for which purpose it was first introduced into many countries during the early 1980's -- well before the full satellite constellation was available to navigation users. In fact, the application of GPS for control surveys (or so-called "geodetic" surveys) was the first civilian use of GPS which was well beyond that for which GPS was originally intended by its military designers. 

Trimble GPS Tutorial - (requires Adobe Shockwave) GPS is a complex technology but understanding it can be quite easy if you take it one step at a time. This tutorial is designed to give you a good basic understanding of the principles behind GPS without loading you down with too much technical detail. For those details see the reference links in our GPS Guide. We recommend that you follow the tutorial in the order it's presented, especially the "How GPS works" section. In that section the logic of the explanation develops one step at a time. DGPS Tutorial

Global Positioning System Overview - These materials were developed by Peter H. Dana, Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin, 1994. These materials may be used for study, research, and education in not-for-profit applications. If you link to or cite these materials, please credit the author, Peter H. Dana, The Geographer's Craft Project, Department of Geography, The University of Colorado at Boulder.

Garmin's GPS Guide for beginners   GPS technology is rapidly changing how people find their way around the Earth. Whether it be for fun, saving lives, getting there faster, or whatever use you can dream up, GPS navigation is becoming more common every day.Garmin  hopes that this guide will give you enough information to get you involved in all the excitement that awaits you. 

Topcon's GPS Tutorial - Stones, trees, and mountains were the early examples of "points of reference". Celestial navigation was the first serious solution to the problem of finding one's position in unknown territories, where the Sun, the Moon and stars were used as points of reference. Automatic computation of position, through measurement of distances to points of reference, became a reality only recently when radio signals were employed and the age of radio navigation began. LORAN  (LOng RAnge Navigation)coverage is limited to about 5% of the surface of the earth where the chains are established. It is not a global system. Signals from navigation satellites can cover large areas of the earth, and several satellites can cover the whole planet.

GPS Primer (Aerospace Corporation)   GPS is one of history's most exciting and revolutionary developments, and new uses for it are constantly being discovered. But before we learn more about GPS, it's important to understand a bit more about navigation. 

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More GPS and GIS Tutorials than You Can Shake a Stick at GeoCommunities

Hundreds more Land Surveying Resources Like this On Land Surveyors United 

ePalmetto often runs clearance specials on preowned GPS equipment for land surveying and construction.  Also check out their blog for information on survey grade GPS systems for cheaper than you might imagine.
